I am thrilled to see the sun this morning. My family is all healthy today, and I have several meet-ups planned with various friends today to look forward to. I am filled with gratitude for this. I like to start and end each day thinking about the things that I am grateful for. It seems simplistic, and perhaps Pollyanna-ish, but I can say without hesitation that gratitude has changed my life, remade it even.
Giving thanks is not something we learn much about. Like many of us, I grew up always seeing the obstacles, fearing the worst and generally going about life as though I were fighting a rearguard action. I am not sure exactly when it began to sink in, but I had seen the little lessons from here and there, and about ten or fifteen years ago I decided to change the way I look at things and see only the plusses (and any minusses that I could change or do something about).
For me, gratitude is nothing more than the simple act of pausing in quiet

I sincerely wish for you that today you have something in your life for which you are grateful. Just a little thought or two on this American Thanksgiving.